JOLLAB Secure Future at Wompinni Station

The Future.

I have been very fortunate to become the custodian of the JOLLAB bloodlines and the JOLLAB kennel prefix.

The JOLLAB puppies in my care will have the JOLLAB kennel prefix and the letter W.S in the registered names.

The W.S will highlight the new beginnings of the JOLLAB bloodlines at Wompinni Station.

This process has come after discussion and sound advise from Geoff's trusted Long Time Friends and Labrador Breeders, Robin, Ben and Jane.

Geoff had been an ethical breeder of the highest standards and these policies will continue and I would like to thank the people at DOGZONLINE and DOGSVIC for their valuable assistance during these difficult times.

We are pleased that the transfer of the JOLLAB prefix is now completed. Current DOGSSA membership # 5100072105 and DOGZONLINE membership # 3001430100, RPBA Member #10863 and DACO 262378.

While it has been wonderful to have Geoff's dogs join us at Wompinni Station. Gemma, Amber, Abbey and Chelsea had already spent time here with Zeehan and Jensen. The transition to integrate and socialise all the dogs has gone very smoothly. All dogs are very well, happy and loved.

Although a constant reminder of Geoff's passing is difficult but spending time with these amazing Labradors brings the greatest joy.

The JOLLAB Labradors give us so much pleasure, they just love the lifestyle on the Murray River with six cats and four horses. The JOLLAB Labradors also have new friends and get on with the resident Westie, Miss Jock.

So we have relocted to a beach property near Kingston, SE in South Australia.

We spend most days at the beach and the Jollab family is abuzz when we load up and head across the sand dunes and get out into the sea,

We look forward to continuing Geoff's bloodlines and meeting new folks that will give these puppies forever homes.

May the memory of Geoff Jolly live forever in the JOLLAB Labrador bloodlines.


( Never Trust A Fox )



Contact Details

Kerry Alderton / Geoff Jolly
Kingston South East, SA, Australia
Phone : +61422138074
Email : [email protected]